Some Events

Below you can find information about national and international events on Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics.

Events 2016

IV Workshop on Poisson Geometry and related topics: UFPR Curitiba, July 28-29.

Poisson 2016: 10th international conference on Poisson Geometry, Summer School: University of Geneva 27 june-2 july , Conference:  ETH, Zurich, 4-8 July.

20th Brazilian Topology Meeting: UFPR, Curitiba, July 10-16, 2016.

Events 2015

IV School and workshop on Lie theory: UNICAMP Campinas , August 03-07.

30º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matematica: IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, July 26-31.

III Workshop on Poisson Geometry: UNICAMP Campinas, June 22-24.

Minicourse on G-structures: UFPR Curitiba, Brazil, Abril 17-June 2.

Simpósio de Geometria: UFPR Curitiba, Brazil, February 23-27.

Programa avançado de verão em Geometria: Curitiba, Brazil, February 9-21.

Events 2013

Mathematical Congress of the Americas: Guanajuato, Mexico, August 05-09.

Conference in Honor of Alan Weinstein: EPFL, Lausanne, July 22-26.

Mini-workshop on Poisson Geometry and Related Topics: IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, May 06-07.

CIMPA Research School on Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Representation Theory:UFPR, Curitiba, February 25 to March 08.

I Simpósio de Geometria: UFPR, Curitiba, January 21-22.

Events 2012

Quantum Groups and 3-manifolds Invariants: IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, September 05-07.

Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics: Utrecht University, Holanda, July 23 – August 03.

XVII Escola de Geometria Diferencial: Manaus, Amazonas, July 11-20.
Mathematical Physics in Bahia: Salvador, July 05-10.

Events 2011

Encontro de Superfícies Mínimas e Curvatura Constante: UFPR, September 14-17.

Workshop on Conservative Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry: IMPA, Rio de Janeiro,

July 31 – August 06.

XV ELAM: Noncommutative Algebra and Lie Theory: Córdoba, Argentina, May 16-27.

Encontro Sul-Sudeste de Geometria Diferencial: Universidade Federal do Paraná, February 23-25.

Events 2010

Second Latin Congress on Symmetries in Geometry and Physics: Universidade Federal do Paraná, December 13-17.